
以賽亞書 56:7 - 因我的殿必稱為萬民禱告的殿

Isaiah 56:7 - For my house shall be called
a house of prayer for all nations

About us


Welcome to Maranatha Christian Church!
The call that we've received from the Lord is to build up disciples, establish them in the word of God, and to train them to be led by the Holy Spirit. The way to accomplish this is to engage and commit to meetings where we allow the Holy Spirit to take control.

Meanwhile, we are also calling and training Chinese intercessors from around the world to pray for China, Taiwan and the nations, to fulfill the calling that God has for and through the Chinese church in this generation.

教會地址: 3424 Fruitridge Rd, Sacramento, CA 95820
電話: 916-421-8207
